connectome mapping

An analytical model of restricted diffusion in bovine optic nerve. Kammen A, Law M, Tjan BS, Toga AW, Shi Y . World Science Festival ® and its related logo are registered trademarks of the World Science Foundation.

Moeller S, Yacoub E, Olman CA, Auerbach E, Strupp J, Harel N et al. So why would mother nature go through that whole process? For the gradient directions along the x axis, the images from b=1000, 2000, 3000 s mm−2 are shown in (d–f), respectively. It learns based on who’s being activated, which synapses are being activated or not. J Neurophysiol 2010; 103: 297–321. So they’re able to switch very easily in terms of cognitive functions because they’ve had a lifetime of switching what languages their speaking and understanding what the other person is expecting of them in terms of language. The authors declare no conflict of interest. LICHTMAN: You would need more digital information than is the actual digital content of the world. So children who can speak two language, two languages fluently also have this amazing benefit in their prefrontal cortex. Using connectome imaging, we have the opportunity to develop robust algorithms and software tools to systematically characterize the integrity of these circuits. Where are all our memories stored?

It’s like the early days of genomics when people actually used their thumbs and pipette men to get the DNA sequence of a virus. HOCKENBERRY: Is that what happened to you? I knew this was a job better suited for a computer and when I moved to Caltech in 1976, we started working on that problem. Neuroimage 2014; 103: 411–426. And so you can infer something, I’m not saying you can’t infer something, but there is still a chasm between the machine that’s doing the work that is very, very intricate, and these rather global macroscopic techniques that can work in a living human brain. While it is generally difficult to obtain ground truth about human brain connections, detailed anatomical knowledge is available for certain pathways that can be used to quantitatively evaluate the performance of tractography methods. TOTTENHAM: Career changing millennials. HOCKENBERRY: During this rapid period, things like the autism spectrum might emerge because it is such a complicated and rapid developmental period that is not well understood physiologically. Fiber orientation and compartment parameter estimation from multi-shell diffusion imaging. Shattuck DW, Mirza M, Adisetiyo V, Hojatkashani C, Salamon G, Narr KL et al. A W Toga. That’s coming from the outside.