death row pictures of inmates

Here is a look at the 210 inmates currently on Texas' death row. Black/African American Muslim.
These inmates have a scheduled execution date. Hirschfield said he elects to spend his days in his cell and keep to himself. He exchanges his drawings for pencils and other supplies. Since 1978, California has executed 13 people. A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Among the condemned inmates, here are some of the Bay Area's notorious killers.

There are currently 737 inmates on the state's death row, the nation's largest. The card said, “Thinking of You.”. Peterson was convicted of killing his wife Laci, who was eight-months-pregnant with their son, and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay on Christmas Eve 2002. More than 90 other inmates have died of natural causes or suicide, according to prison officials. March 13, 2019 Gov. “It’s almost like it’s not even a real punishment for a lot of people,” said Charles Crawford at San Quentin State Prison, where the vast majority of the state’s nearly 750 condemned inmates are held. Steve Livaditis, 51, another condemned inmate, shot a basketball near Peterson. They can also communicate with neighbouring inmates. “Don’t abolish the death penalty, fix it,” he said, sitting on an overturned white bucket while typing a letter to his lawyer. Many of the cells were dark, their occupants quietly lying on their beds. Scott Peterson, among San Quentin’s most famous inmates, was inside a caged outdoor basketball court at the unit. He grabbed his cell bars and pulled himself up from his bed, demonstrating one of the exercises he said he does to try to stay fit.
Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. These are the 737 inmates on California's death row. Sarinana and his wife were convicted in 2009 of torturing and murdering their 11-year-old nephew. Most said they were innocent and declined to talk about their convictions. He turned his back to reporters and declined to be interviewed, saying he wasn’t interested, “thank you.”, A condemned inmate speaks on a phone brought to his cell on death row at San Quentin State Prison.Source:AP. Many of the cells were dark, their occupants quietly lying on their beds. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to impose a moratorium on the death … 8. All times AEST (GMT +10). In this photo taken on December 29, 2015, inmate Robert Galvan stands in a cell in the recreation yard at San Quentin State Prison.Source:AP. On average, these inmates have spent 16 years, 3 months on death row.