biomass cycle

In other contexts, biomass can be measured in terms of the dried organic mass, so perhaps only 30% of the actual weight might count, the rest being water.

In particular, the biomass of consumers (copepods, krill, shrimp, forage fish) is larger than the biomass of primary producers. But the good thing is biomass helps make the carbon cycle less destructive and actually helps it serve its natural purpose. In a much-cited study from 1998,[7] the world bacterial biomass had been mistakenly calculated to be 350 to 550 billions of tonnes of carbon, equal to between 60% and 100% of the carbon in plants. “As long as wood fuels are transported by ship, the distance doesn’t matter too much,” says Scott Bentsen. La valeur marchande de la tonne d'équivalent CO2 est très volatile: elle dépend (entre autres) du prix du pétrole, des décisions politiques de Bruxelles (nombre de quotas, politique énergétique à long terme de l'UE) et de la spéculation. Unloading the ship takes three days and requires 37 freight train journeys. This form of carbon accounting is undermined by guidance published in November 2018 by the UK Committee on Climate Change, which concluded that there is a limited supply of sustainable biomass and that “no further policy support (beyond current commitments) should be given to large scale biomass plants that are not deployed with carbon capture and storage technology”.
90B, 499-505. “Harvesting one part of a growing forest does not cause trees miles away to grow even faster,” he says. Energy form: UK biomass plants use wood pellets of leftover material from managed forests. Sur ce total, 9,3 % sont utilisés pour la production d'électricité, 4,8 % pour la production combinée d'électricité et de chaleur (cogénération), 1 % pour les chaufferies des réseaux de chaleur et 78,1 % pour la consommation finale directe, en particulier 53 % par le secteur résidentiel (chauffage individuel, cuisine), 15,6 % par l'industrie et 6,3 % par les transports (agrocarburants)[11]. Selon l'Agence internationale de l'énergie, en 2017, « biomasse et déchets » ont représenté 1 329 Mtep (millions de tonnes d'équivalent pétrole), soit 9,5 % de la consommation mondiale d'énergie primaire. Developed life cycle assessment model for biomass co-firing power plants with CCS. Apart from bacteria, the total global live biomass has been estimated as 550 or 560 billion tonnes C, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, Wilson RW, Millero FJ, Taylor JR, Walsh PJ, Christensen V, Jennings S and Grosell M (2009), FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013: page 130 -. Using a lifecycle analysis model, Sterman and his colleagues calculated the payback time for forests in the eastern US – which supply a large share of the pellets used in the UK – and compared this figure to the emissions from burning coal.