angular vs react usage statistics

Remote is a special section I added for fun: I used remote jobs found on as well as as a way to gauge how many remote job opportunities are available for each of the 3 libraries. Vue Indeed, SimplyHired and Dice are 3 big tech job boards in the USA so the search is geographically targeted there. If you are a developer there are probably going to be more documentation, blog posts, and activity around the eco system for React than for Angular or Vue.
This framework has grown sharply only in 2018, but it is still a long way from the top of the rankings. React #6. Since Github is the largest platform for hosting IT projects, you cannot get past it when comparing the popularity of frameworks. Accordingly, the time depends on which additional features are selected; as already mentioned, Vue is intuitive, hence its development will be fast enough. Developers are using these libraries, that is not the question, but we definitely see a disproportionate split between Github stars and actual usage of Vue.js. What I mean here is: are you adopting a framework that is going to undermine the mid/long-term viability of your project? This directly shows their demand among users.

JSX has a good feel for me personally, in that is keeps related code and layout close together. But the framework is improved. Nevertheless, the majority of large Asian companies switched to its usage, which shows its quality.

The component definition and interactions feel painless. Frequency of downloads #5. #15. Angular I will avoid, to avoid the extra overhead of setup and ongoing development. Ideally, we want to pick the tool that is the most in demand, which will allow us to have a higher chance of employability, while also keeping in mind that we want to enjoy working with the library.

React seems to beat out Angular in every data point above, but not by a big margin. Quick note: Vue has an interesting trend going into next year: Vue is often used by Chinese giants such as Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, even Xiaomi and DJI instead of React or Angular which were created by Facebook and Google. #14. #8. React is a rather “grown-up” product, which is currently the most popular and appreciated by developers. Although money is important, it is not everything. GraphQL vs REST? Having gone deep on all three frameworks now, I’m going to give you a brief inside track on this ongoing debate.

It is not about that delays can be annoying. Vue once again is a small part in this, and although we see that the Vue community is very passionate about Vue, it’s still a small player…but good to keep an eye on. So, for example, Instagram users in most cases complain about problems in the work of individual tools almost after each update. Frequency of downloads Important: Every once in a while, I will throw my 2 cents on the topic, but as with everything, you should do your own research and decide for yourself what to learn and master. A junior developer puts this title in ... unfortunately is geared more towards early adopters and React and Vue communities, at least not until AI bots by BostonDynamics take over our world.