adenylyl cyclase location

The Gene Ontology (GO) project provides a set of hierarchical controlled vocabulary split into 3 categories:



Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor

Manual assertion based on experiment ini, PaxDb, a database of protein abundance averages across all three domains of life, iPTMnet integrated resource for PTMs in systems biology context, The Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID), STRING: functional protein association networks, SWISS-MODEL Repository - a database of annotated 3D protein structure models, Database of comparative protein structure models,

Manual validated information which has been generated by the UniProtKB automatic annotation system.

Note that the 'protein existence' evidence does not give information on the accuracy or correctness of the sequence(s) displayed.



This section provides any useful information about the protein, mostly biological knowledge.


. The two lysine and aspartate residues on C2 selects ATP over GTP for the substrate, so that the enzyme is not a guanylyl cyclase. Keywords summarise the content of a UniProtKB entry and facilitate the search for proteins of interest.



This section provides information on the quaternary structure of a protein and on interaction(s) with other proteins or protein complexes.



This section provides information on the tertiary and secondary structure of a protein.



This section provides information on sequence similarities with other proteins and the domain(s) present in a protein.



This subsection of the Family and Domains section describes the position and type of a domain, which is defined as a specific combination of secondary structures organized into a characteristic three-dimensional structure or fold.



Manual validated information which has been generated by the UniProtKB automatic annotation system.

The entire activity of homogenates was sedimentable and concentrated in a light membrane fraction. This is known as the 'taxonomic identifier' or 'taxid'.



This subsection of the Names and taxonomy section contains the taxonomic hierarchical classification lineage of the source organism.

The information is filed in different subsections. [6] These bacteria also secrete proteins that enable the AC-II to enter host cells, where the exogenous AC activity undermines normal cellular processes. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide also known as PACAP is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ADCYAP1 gene. The genes for Class II ACs are known as cyaA, one of which is anthrax toxin. It also includes information pertinent to the sequence(s), including length and molecular weight. The intracellular location of adenylyl cyclase in the cellular slime molds. with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that applies since 25 May 2018.

cholera toxin) or Gα i (e.g. Class I AC's are large cytosolic enzymes (~100 kDa) with a large regulatory domain (~50 kDa) that indirectly senses glucose levels.