wild swimming

Wild Swimming - outdoors in rivers, lakes and the sea. Liptrot writes: “By swimming in the sea I cross normal boundaries. It is increasingly featured in the press and on social media, often coupled with … Links have been found between exposing yourself to cold water and the activation of brown fat which is good because this type of fat is there to create heat by burning energy when you get cold. It feels as though we are entering a new era of high romanticism, but unlike the past, the proponents of the trend – at least in the often twee fascination with it online and in the media – seem to be white, upper and middle class urban-dwelling women. Our favorite piece of essential wild swimwear is the hooded changing towel which is ideal for getting you dry and warm at the same time. And the number of wild-swimming websites, … It is increasingly featured in the press and on social media, often coupled with intensely romantic language. Is this a response to the climate crisis and the pressures of modern living? The Utah County Health Department issued a temporary water quality advisory for Highland Glen Park after state water quality experts found … If it is only a short hike from the car then hiking sandals are a great option for wild swimming as you can wear them in the water too. As with most outdoor activities in remote locations you should always let someone you trust know where you are going and when you expect to be back.

Long-term cold water swimming has been proven to increase your metabolism and ability to burn fat through thermogenesis.

And is it all too little, too late? In a study done in 1993 cold water exposure was to found to increase testosterone levels in men which in turn gave their libido a boost. I’m no longer on land but part of a body of water making up all the oceans of the world, which moves, ebbing and flowing under and around me. Rivers pose different threats such as large debris floating downstream as well as strong currents and underwater objects that you could get trapped under or in.

To the many rural-dwelling Brits who prefer to swim in a natural setting, it must seem strange to see something that is simply a part of many people’s routines become an activity to show off about on social media. The other form of exercise that goes hand in hand with wild swimming is hiking. We all know the age-old remedy of using ice to reduce swelling and most people who follow sports will have heard about the use of ice baths after intensive exercise. These days, social media is flooded with posed photos of attractive, middle class urbanites in natural lakes and rivers. My friend Nell Frizzell, who worked as a lifeguard at the women’s pond, points out that urban dwellers are more alienated from nature than perhaps ever before. To call it “wild”, I feel, is to centre the urban, the municipal and the populated, and to place the rural and the natural at the margins. This has been corrected to Windermere. Last modified on Wed 12 Feb 2020 11.29 EST. Wild swimming in freezing cold water will also numb your nerve endings which will bring immediate relief to any sore spots. How Do Dry Bags Work and Are They Totally Waterproof? 11 Best Waterproof Ponchos for Hiking – Ultimate Guide to Rain Ponchos. People also explain that wild swimming is a very good way to de-stress, and acts like a form of mindfulness or meditation, bringing them into the moment, focusing their mind on the physical sensations, and taking them away from their worries and concerns. And what could be more exciting than plunging into a hidden waterfall? The attractively posed shots are only part of the story. This, together with a boom in nature writing, a new trend for “forest bathing”, a general obsession with going “off grid” and internet-free retreats, and the introduction of a new natural history GCSE, all seems to indicate an increased popular engagement with the natural world.

Owner and Founder Nicole Tanner was brainstorming with her husband one night about possible business ideas. Alice Roberts embarks on a quest to discover what lies behind the passion for wild swimming, now becoming popular in Britain. “Wild swimming”, as it is now known, is growing in popularity across the UK. While swimming outdoors stimulates the mind and makes you more alert during and after, once it has had time to recover from the initial shock your whole body feels looser and more relaxed. The other thing the cold water will do is numb the nervous system which will reduce jitters and contribute to a calm demeanor. When you swim outdoors in cool water your body burns calories in a way that gives your metabolism a boost while trying to stay warm.