trigger the event when selected the same value in dropdown Inside the event handler, we make a get-request to our controller's "GetSecondList" action (named for the Yeah, that one way to source binding is going to give you problems. Now, click the button and the TextBlock's value will be "X". Line 83: $('#'+select_id).trigger("onchange"); k i will have a look, i'll test and add.

selected choice.

I am using an Ajaxtoolkit ComboBox in a webform page and I need to check if the user has selected (click on) a drop down value other than the one displayed. Lastly, we need to create the Action that will return our data: In this action, we've taken the 'id' parameter to find all the matches of our "sub-category" table (replace this with the appropriate table name for your 2nd dropdown list). If you select "B" from the ComboBox, the TextBlock's value will change to "B", as expected. I have kind of a silly example, but it shows what I'm trying to do. I have the javascript to show and hide the inputtext field. Um now I can't find where to put this since I made several changes. The action will take this parameter, process it into a list, and return it back to our View. I try to test your proposal but nothing happends on the page when I select a item from the first dropdown list, the second dropdown list isn't populated, it does not even go into the, your jquery isn't working right then try to put the javascript part in @section Scripts { }, you can just type it this will move your scripts to the pages end the section is declared in your _layout.cshtml. thanks so much for any continued support...please let me know how I might recommend you to others! Is there any way of adding a javascript function which will trigger when the dropdown value is changed. 2. if I clear a range of products and subproducts ,(for example,if I delete cells B3:C7), I get messages "change subproduct" in col E in each row I cleared. Since "B" was already selected before, no SelectionChanged event will fire. @Html.DropDownList("tc_no_id", (SelectList)ViewData["tc_no_id"],new { @onchange = "this.form.submit();" }), Oct 15, 2013 03:09 AM|Starain chen - MSFT|LINK. Is there any way to run thru this type of macro in step by step mode...can I convert this into a module and run it step by step? Text" property of your table columns to the Value and Text of the SelectListItem object. For your requirement, you could store the value of select item in the Is this expected behaviour? You need to first [HttpPost] above your ActionResult method. Thanks for marking this as the answer. (Inherited from ListControl) SelectedValue: Gets the value of the selected item in the list control, or selects the item in the list control that contains the specified value. string name = collection.Get("ControlName");  Add your on-change event with the get-request: To explain, we've attached an on-click event to the class of your dropdown choices, so when any of those choices are clicked, the event fires off.

       'Products drop down changed, did we have a value? I assume this is a macro that only runs when the product selection is made. But this not directly work with the Select2 dropdown element. If your project is MVC 3 or earlier, you won't have bundles, The method you describe is called Cascading Dropdown Lists. Now enhanced with: Posted 16 May 2018 }. My problem is that the change event does not trigger on $('#'+select_id).trigger("onchange"); but on $('#'+select_id).trigger("change"); Do you know why? Last post Jun 25, 2014 08:49 AM by JohnLocke. What I want is to select a product from dropdown in Col B, have the macro clear any text  in the sub product Col C cell,  then have text in Col E (same row) appear as  "change sub product", Then when I go ahead and pick a sub product from dropdown in Col C, what I want is for the text in Col E that says "change subproduct" to  be cleared. Hi, I would suggest you to test in this scenario if triggering change, when the databound event is fired, will fix the issue. But what I write after that.
I also marked it to be hidden at the start, and then shown once the list is populated. Link to this post. I want that when I select a value in dropdown in then a table will open below dropdown with info relaes to that value, Please help me I am stuck in this problem from last one week, If you can't then please revert back with a sample dropdownlist postback example, wiht controller, view and javascript function, second post index is Index mistakenly written as IIndex, Oct 23, 2013 08:31 AM|Starain chen - MSFT|LINK. Is there a better way to handle this? If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub I started to change the code you provided, without success (listed below)  Do you have any insight / solutions you can point me in the right direction toward?

My dropdown is showing on page and when I select a values in dropdown then page refershes.