the wounded healer chiron

Whoops! You will be motivated to look for ways to remain healthy, whether it is through natural remedies or medical. Perhaps you had a speech disorder or a learning disability and were called “stupid” by your classmates, or even family.

You believe that your soul purpose is to be there to take care of everyone else while living your own life is just a waste. But not in this life. In past life astrology, you hear a lot about planets like Saturn and Pluto being an indicator of past life karma but never Chiron. Regardless of its look, Chiron was a great teacher, holistic healer, astrologer and musician. Many of his students were the greatest warriors, healers and future leaders of the times. You will find that you can heal this way, and you can help others in your position heal as well. In this life, the cycle is meant to be broken.
However, there is not a need to talk too much about Chiron’s story because it has nothing to do with past life astrology. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You likely were rejected a lot when you were growing up.

It is just known that Chiron does a full orbit over 50 years. In past life astrology, you may have lived many lives where you did not speak up when necessary, as well as speaking to the point that you drowned out what others had to say. Kronus was a cruel and devouring father god – and he met the nymph Philyra during one of his many searches for his (then) baby son, Zeus.

Past Life Astrology and Chiron: The Wounded Healer. Chiron, a centaur, was known as a wise teacher, healer and prophet.

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