solutions to plastic pollution

These cookies do not store any personal information. Consider that many plastics are actually very beneficial at the transport and pre consumer phase in a lot of ways (plastics are lighter, more affordable, more flexible, more durable, and more eco friendly to produce and use than some alternate materials).

There is still a lack of data plastic pollution on land. Disposal of plastic and plastic pollution are where some of the major problems arise – so, consider the stage of the plastic lifecycle that is most problematic and see where solutions may be available at these stages. | Benefits of Face Masks, Cosmetic Microbiology | Microbes used in Cosmetics. We’ve used the indoor example above of humans inhaling micro plastic fibres from synthetic fibre textiles/clothing and plastic furniture.

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Littered plastic: stopping the litter of plastic is the clear solution here – specifically, focussing on reducing the littering of plastic packaging type plastic waste (which are some of the most commonly found/littered items on cleanups). Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Based on data from Breaking the Plastic Wave study by The Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ (2020)* The scope of the study is all plastics disposed of as municipal solid waste (packaging, toys, diapers, day-to-day objects like toothbrushes, etc.). By 2040, plastic use should be reduced by nearly 50% compared to business-as-usual. Solutions to Plastic Pollution | Save the Environment, Instead of buying water in plastic bottles, invest in a. the economy?)? As mentioned above though, indoor micro plastic pollution could be addressed if more natural fibre textiles are used and furniture such as wood (or natural materials) are used over plastic furniture. What Is The Most Sustainable Meat To Eat? Plastic that isn’t recycled ends up in landfill, incineration or as waste in the environment – so it’s important to get recycling right, as it has a flow on effect. Just as one example, one source indicates that we should be focussing on improving effective waste management in low to middle income to better address ocean plastic pollution, rather than worry about trying to reduce the use of plastic straws in developed countries, Develop individual solutions for each town, city, State/Province and country depending their individual plastic issues and problems, and how they contribute to national and global plastic issues and problems. Plastic pollution is today’s one of the most critical issues the environment faces.

We are aware some problems can’t be ‘solved’ completely – so, this guide can also be viewed as a starting point for discussion for managing plastic problems in a better way. It may make sense to only recycle some types of plastics due to feasibility factors, Spend time and money making sure that the right plastics are being used for waste to energy, and that the right incineration or plastic burning technology is in place, Spend time and money making sure that landfills are receiving the right plastics, and that they have effective landfill liners and leachate management, Use textiles and clothing made from natural fibres or materials, and/or, ensure households are using more effective washing practices and filtering systems to capture and deal with micro and nano plastics, Use more natural and organic personal care and cosmetic products over products with micro bead issues, Ensure potable water, waste water and sewage treatment facilities are set up with proper filtration, capture and management technology to deal with micro and nano plastics, Ensure that waste water and sewage treatment facilities are not contributing to micro plastics in the environment by making sure that they aren’t using plastic beads or pellets that create micro plastic problems, Make sure tap water is filtered to capture micro plastics, Use metal, glass and additive free drink and food containers and products where possible over those made of plastic (especially for drinking water), Have more awareness campaigns around flushing plastic items down toilets in households (ear cleaners, wet wipes, personal hygiene items), Consider how plastic additives can be removed or substituted from roads, road marking, car tyres, and the sole of human shoes.
These include reducing plastic consumption and production (at least of single use or short use types of plastic like plastic packaging, or commonly highly disposable plastic items), re-using and repurposing plastic, re-designing plastic material itself (or creating new types of non harmful plastic), re-designing plastic packaging and plastic products (for better recycling for example), and using alternate materials to plastic. If we assume plastic is leaching harmful chemicals or additives into the environment, that is finding it’s way into humans, wildlife, food sources, water supplies, and so on, then we need to use alternate materials to plastic, or start a certification system for plastic that the plastics we are using don’t have these harmful chemicals and toxins. For certain instances, these small bits pass through the digestive tract and without effect they come out as well. We must prioritise rethinking what is put on the market, whilst also rapidly increasing our ability to keep it in the loop after it has been used.