project for the new american century website

@over the edge everyone is entitled to their opinion I think that maybe you need to look around you where is the evidence that the usa is trying to take over the world. my excuse - I am on artist - Sojourn. The average American, married with two children and both parents working, if they are a lucky few to have jobs; do not have the time or energy in their day-to-day life to swim through all of the propaganda. I don't feel personally responsible, mind you, but ashamed to be associated with such a corrupt and immoral government. They are acquiring customers worldwide and charging top $.

I think alot of us are starting to wake up to whats really going on.

The more hate you carry in your heart the more you are like these warmongers. The time will come when all things will be made anew and men will turn their swords into plowshares. ...and they think electing some black guy is a great achievement for the culture. I noticed a big difference between the comments on protocols of zion and that on missing links but maybe thats because people only watch what they wish to believe. Esp. Yet the superiority complex that you infer in your tone suggests that you have irrefutable evidence and also that my world is less valid than yours. @ Freethinker Sam Childers in the Sudan, a one man team to rescue kids. Cerate a want, turn that into the thought of a need. I'm Dutch -- and 23 years ago I did everything in my power to keep my two sons out of the dutch army. What can we do? Many are convinced this is only the beginning. nothing better then the facts!! Childish hypocritical verbgage! If the ego could be conquered all other problems would be a piece of cake. think i'll go watch or read something about marxism. Period. America isn't a land of peace, its a land of deceit and deception. Americans or Iraqi, Afghani or British, Pakistani or Canadian, Greek or Bolivian...we the people of the world are all slaves to the same masters. (Please don't bother me with "hypocrite" comments. It is to be expected from the likes of you to LIE against Islam, 8 + Million massacre Muslims are not enough, that were Massacred on lies coming from Tel-Aviv, London and Washington, that you spout out more LIES and do more mass murders.

I am ashamed because blood is on my hands. Or whispers that I could barley hear and never quite make out what was being said. he doesnt bow to the queeen of england and yet he bows to the king of saudi arabia like he is a peasant, he praises iran and now he wants to ban freedom of speech and have people arrested for speeking the truth about Islam, wake up everyone get ready to defend the world the 3rd world war is coming i just hope that islam is not continuing to advance at the rate it is now. (it's not all about $). Lastly, and most importantly, the pre-9/11 military exercises were not merely hypothetical scenarios but exercises which led directly into a new “Pearl Harbor” that modified the behaviour of Americans under terror, panic and misinformation like nothing ever seen before. one more thing why are my comments being censored by the people who run this site,i find it very disturbing..i thought this was a excellent site to visit and share my views but now im not so sure.i would realy appriciate an answer to this.. Hey freethinker was it not the American people who stood by and watched as the neo-cons stole the election for Bush, was it not you who stood by and watched as they then ripped up your constitution, was it not you who stood by and watched as they sent your army half around the world to slaughter the people of Iraq who by the way had f%&k all to do with 9/11, was it not you who stood by as they lied and lied and lied to its citizens about the reasons for that war, was it not you who stood by and watched as they then walked away with their big fat pensions after destroying your credibility around the world, the neo-con government you RE-ELECTED should all be in fu%&ing prison for the war crimes they have commuted in the past ten years in the name of keeping America safe... so don't come on here and call people stupid and narrow minded when you haven't even seen the damn documentary. i can't describe the anger i have towards these unhuman pathetic soldeirs.