php login session

Your 2-step logic seems fine, too.

The previous section will not work without this new "access_code" property. echo ‘Hello guest.’;


global $pdo; /* If there is no logged in user, do nothing */ } A remote client can login in two ways.

Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. }, // Return the user ID (integer) }, if (!$account->sessionLogin()) render page… return FALSE; Can you check this to see it working? $account->getId() . congratulations for your work! I’ll treat one by one all the sections of this User class and we will also see how to add new accounts and how to edit and delete existing ones using static functions and, at the end of this post you will also find a link to download the full Class code assembly”, This little distinction allows the newbie to get the point of the first PDO snippet ..

else Creating our Login Success Page.

Create "utils.php" file. I see we store login time etc. Thank You very much for this. (The Session ID is linked to the remote browser, so it will remain the same the next time the same client will connect again).

10.4 Add countAll() method in user object

The :int, :bool etc. Just to see its correct implementation. Thanks.

return $this->name; Just like for db_inc.php, you can include this script every time you will need to use the Account class in any of your applications. The best way to do it is to create a separate “include” file with the connection code, like this one taken from my MySQL tutorial: Change the connection parameters as required, then save the above code as a PHP script named “db_inc.php” inside the same directory of myApp.php. We see this functionality in almost every website we use today. } But I was just thinking security wise: Could the cookies not be brute forced AND what to do about it? Thanks for sharing your thoughts. After that time, a Session will be closed and a new Session ID will be created, forcing the remote client with the expired Session to authenticate again with username and password. With HTTPS in place, Session attacks like data sniffing become much harder. //$account->logout($session_status); ; logout.php — Destroy the logged in sessions … Cancel that , I’ve just found the answer.

Before adding the new account to the database, This function gets the current Session ID (using, If everything is ok then the client is authenticated, the account-related class properties are set, and the method returns, In any case, never store the passwords in plain text and never use weak hashing algorithms (like, How to use PHP with MySQL: the complete guide,,,,,, How to store the accounts on the database, then, in looks for the username on the database account list.

Hi Alex, Similarly, to destroy a session and its data, you need to call session_destroy() (for example, when the user logs out): I would also recommend that you take a look at this.