photography projects for students

Such projects can be as simple as telling a little story using toy figurines, or as complex as costuming friends and relatives into scenes that provoke others to think about world peace. I wanted to make the photo look as if I was walking by this cabin and not just standing and looking. Here’s one suggestion: rather than shoot the typical teen selfie in the bathroom mirror, try limiting your selfies to shooting your own shadow. 'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1', In the shadow selfie photo below, I was strolling around with my camera and tripod draped across my shoulder. Email Us On most cameras, you do this with the TV (Time Variable) setting on the dial. Here are seven great educational projects your children can undertake with either a digital camera or the inbuilt camera of a device. 'rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1',
For this study, look for situations where the sun is partially or fully obscured by something. You can also get creative with framing and use man-made openings to frame in your photos. Finding textures will challenge you and your child to look at different kinds of surfaces and look for the complex patterns that can be found on the material you’re looking at. … Buildings, walls, and other man-made flat surfaces are often used as subject matter for texture photos. 'RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)', For them, you could suggest they use inbuilt cameras to capture a record of anything they see that IS an effective communication. The parameters of the project are simple: During the project, students quickly begin collaborating to find images and compare their letters with each other. Shoot in Different Natural Light Conditions, Final Tips on Doing Photography Projects with Your Child, Shutter speed is the most obvious contributing factor to an exposure. It was taken from a balcony overlooking a picnic area at a sports stadium. If you already have an account, please login. If you want to challenge you and your child’s creativity, try looking for other macro subjects. A positive and encouraging approach will instil a desire to continue on with photography for a long time. In addition, we must help students discover a new way of looking and learn to see all of the details they’ve been missing. Your results will change quite a bit depending on whether you use a wide angle or telephoto lens setting. Can you guess the identity of the following photo? Here are 3 I like to focus on with my students: Once students have gotten to know their cameras a bit and have reviewed the elements and principles, they head out to photograph them around our school. He is a passionate advocate for social justice and believes the arts can change the world. Record names over the images with a photo editor or a text-adding app, then compile them into a digital book with a word processor, or print out and keep them in a plastic sleeve folder. You can also select your interests for free access to our premium training: You and your child can benefit from doing a few simple, photography projects together. I positioned the camera so that only a portion of the sun made it through. Open spaces where light will not reflect back toward your subject will give you the silhouette look. The letters do not have to be captured in order. Osage, IA 50461 High School Photography Projects. Warning: If you unfavourite this item, it will be removed from any folders or playlists it is assigned to. Critique your photos and your child’s with a positive, supportive attitude. This is a photo of an ordinary Christmas ornament with the tripod, camera and distorted face included in the photo. Fill in the fields below to add a comment. This red pepper has some interesting patterns revealed when it is sliced open. These engaging projects are a surefire way to get your students comfortable with their cameras and the basics of photography. Explore several different projects at the same time or just pick one that looks most interesting to your young budding photographer — the most important thing of all is to make it fun for you and your child. Framing is a way of drawing attention to the subject of your image by blocking other parts of the image with something in the scene. You can photograph the shadows that the sun naturally makes or use an artificial light like a flashlight and create your own. By creating with images, children have the chance to express themselves, and the opportunity to learn skills that will help them communicate at school and in their daily lives. You can organise your favourites into folders, or use them to create playlists. Digital photography is available to lots of children nowadays, not necessarily because they own a separate digital camera, but often because they have access to a device like a tablet or smartphone. Light Painting Take an interest in their shots and find time to comment on them, pointing out what you liked. I achieved nice soft, directional light by aiming a strobe light at a white piece of paper above the pepper during the exposure. A great project for younger kids that links with reading is for you to help them … By tweaking and experimenting with settings, they can accentuate or minimise elements in their digital photos, honing in on exactly what impression they want to give. It might be a fence, cars in a parking lot, a …