north queensland cowboys hall of fame

The clubs "steer head" logo has stayed basically the same since 1995. In 2005 with the North Queensland Young Guns, 2010 and 2014 with the Northern Pride and 2013 with the Mackay Cutters.

Johnathan Thurston was awarded the Clive Churchill Medal. In 2014, the Cowboys won their first major trophy, the inaugural NRL Auckland Nines tournament which was held at Eden Park in Auckland, defeating the Brisbane Broncos 16–7 in the final. Fullback Matthew Bowen currently holds the record for most first grade games and most tries for club.

“The Cowboys are the only team I played for in Australia and I’m a home-grown product of North Queensland so this club, its members and fans mean the world to me.”.

1998 also saw the Cowboys record their largest loss to date, being defeated 62–0 by the North Sydney Bears in the last round of the home and away season. Crime

They compete in Australia's premier rugby league competition, the National Rugby League.

[40][41] The rivalry with the Sharks grew from finals football, with the two clubs meeting four times in the finals since 2013.

Club legends Matthew Scott and Scott Bolton were farewelled at the end of the season.

Brothers RLFC Townsville are very proud of the achievements of our ‘old boys’. [45], On 17 December 2019, the Cowboys announced their first ever women's team, the North Queensland Gold Stars, who will compete in the inaugural season of the QRL Women's Premiership in 2020.

They also made key recruits in the signings of former Melbourne Storm and Queensland State of Origin representative Dallas Johnson and premiership winner Glenn Hall from the English Super League, re-signing a former Cowboy in Gavin Cooper and picking up younger, experienced first graders such as Antonio Winterstein. After a poor start to the season, the side went on a 6-game winning streak following the sacking of coach Neil Henry. In 2003 the font was changed and a yellow star added, which remain to this day. In 2015, the Cowboys experienced their best ever regular season. After much court action in 1995 and 1996, a ten team Super League competition was held in 1997.

At the start of the 2008 season, the club announced head coach Graham Murray's contract would not be renewed. Hall of Fame.

Visitors and enthusiasts, ranchers and rodeo stars, history buffs, horse folk, real cowboys and cowgirls or at heart... your support and participation are welcome and needed! “The Hall of Fame is designed for the best of the best so first and foremost you need to meet the criteria and Mango has definitely done that,” Parr said.

They're all here, online! They had a club record 11 game winning streak and finished with a club record 17 wins.

Refer to our helpful FAQ section for any problems you might be experiencing. On 10 September 2019, the club announced the opening of their Women's Academy.

A year later the Cowboys won their first NRL premiership, defeating the Broncos 17–16 in golden point extra time. Club legend Matthew Bowen played his last season in the NRL, announcing he would be taking up an offer with Super League side, the Wigan Warriors.