I hightly reccommend that you buy Guardian's Blessing as it gives a ton of helpful benefits: Health, defense, regeneration, and even gold. I'm only a ***** for your attention babe. And you could check my guardian/support guides too :). I've just seen too many supports in my games get shredded early by building them first. Ich, der Urheberrechtsinhaber dieses Werkes, veröffentliche es hiermit unter der folgenden Lizenz: Ergänze eine einzeilige Erklärung, was diese Datei darstellt. Ahh, shoes... See, the thing is, which I have now added it to the guide, I don't build them. That said, Genji's guard till shouldn't be discredited if you need some extra defense and the CDR on its passive could be potentially very helpful, 3 seconds is a long time to wait for your abilities to come off cooldown How would you like people to associate you with a dung beetle? SmiteFire is a community that lives to help every Smite player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. The 60 of each protections for you is pretty nice though, I'll give it that, though I would almost always opt for Mantle of Discord instead, And for your example builds, they aren't horrible, but I would not buy Heartward Amulet in most cases. If you still need more magical protections at this point in the game, I would advise a Genji's Guard. ;) ALSO I PRODUCE PLENTY OF FRUIT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! They are both great defensive options. This is the only ability of it's kind in the game. Even so far back as the beginning of the game, this passive can stop you from taking actual health damage from the minion waves. For me, the first question always comes into the first item I buy before leaving base. The dash you've talked about "being enough" isn't enough IMO. One thing that I know needs to be addressed is the lack of boots in my build. That only mattered when you sold boots lategame for another item before. And don't brush off the damage this does either. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings |Source=self-made |Date=~~~~~ |Author=. The point is, most effects in the game have a few different sources, but not this one. The only person Khepri should be behind is the solo-laner, and if I see that they don't pick a warrior, I won't even play khepri, personally. It's important that you get protections and a few helpful auras for your team. Unless they opt to grab. Early game it does a great job keeping people under towers if they choose to tower-dive. It's a circle. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings: Datum: 28. If you choose to build up to magical defenses, you are still left with a two way split. Getting Shogun's online is more important than Chalice of the Oracle as you can buy single wards as well. Taking that into consideration, I may actually put them in, at the very least recommend a winged blade, which I do like to do in place of boots sometimes. In Armada, khepri have their own riding, Booktown, where they oversee Armada's library inherited from the riding's previous rulers (having compound eyes, they rarely utilize it themselves). Bas-Lag Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The final scenario to be listed here is when you get left behind from the scraps of a team fight. It will give both you and your ADC quite a bit of regeneration at 5 health per second as well as giving you a total of 60 protections, and nearby allies another 15 to work with.