midrash rabbah english online

Adam was the strong, and Eve the weaker.

Do not depart, whether from a great or an insignificant individual, without leave-taking and parting greetings. "And God saw the light that it was good": this alludes to the book of Leviticus, which contains numerous statutes. A book of pedigrees was found in Jerusalem, wherein it was stated that Hillel was a descendant of King David. But since his faith was not real, but depended on a miracle, he perished in the fire, into which, like Abraham, he was cast by Nimrod. But woman baffles God's design and purpose. Abraham, Joshua, David, and Mordecai issued their own coinage. The waters of the various seas are apparently the same, but the different taste of the fish coming from the various seas seems to contradict this. Cain was a tiller of the ground; we know his sad history. On the other hand, when the angels visited Abraham, they partook--or pretended to partake--of the meat and drink which were prepared for them. He became rich, became the possessor of property, was rescued from 36 kings who pursued him, and was saved with his …

Cain drove it, by his misdeeds, farther into the second, the generation of Enos farther still, and the generation of the flood again to the fourth. The true character of the woman, however, reached the ears of Rabbi Eleazar, and he also learned that it was owing to his friend's inability to provide for her maintenance that he was not divorced from her. "Has our friend not sorrow enough," observed the skeptic, "that you must needs add to it by offering him foolish words as comfort? The Rabbi was much affected by the man's generous nature and kindliness, and preached his sermon on charity and brotherly love, a sermon worthy of the distinguished sage, showing that those virtues stand on an eminently higher level and are more efficacious than fasting. "Wherefore, O lord, shall this creature appear on earth, a creature so full of strife and contention, to disturb the peace and harmony of thy creation? Abraham was the blessed of the Eternal, and he was the blessing of mankind (Gen. xii. Regarding the one, he decreed that she should be fed and maintained at the expense of the king. The appearance of Adam and Eve, when just formed, was like that of persons of twenty years of age. Dreams, something like prophecy, are the offspring of imaginations and comparisons which we may form whilst awake. "The earth without form," means the wicked, and the words, "and there was light," refers to the righteous. xxiii.). They shall both be in our form and likeness; there shall be no man without a woman and no woman without a man, and no man and woman together without God." 8): 'Thou shalt dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.'" The aleph, being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, demurred at her place being usurped by the letter beth, which is second to her, at the creation; the history of which commences with the latter, instead of with the former. When creation was all but ended, the world with all its grandeur and splendor stood out in its glorious beauty. hut, seeking out those who are distressed and wretched to comfort them, drying the tears of the afflicted and despondent, raising up them that are bowed down in spirit, reaching his helping hand to those who are in need of help, speaking peace to the heart of the widow, and giving shelter to the fatherless.

x. "Your own Psalmist does not seem to think so when he says (Ps.

"We," said the good man, "believe in a meeting again hereafter." The son explained that he owed his life to the act of repentance, and to his pleading that his sin was greater than he could bear.