jquery color picker

AMD, Node, requirejs and commonjs support. Its a easy way to add color pickers to your forms or user interface. You can control the position by styling your placeholder (e.g. No images! a text field) and will update the element's value when a color is selected. See the demo online: In above two example, the HEX codes are displayed while using the color picker plug-in. The plug-in also supports other events like create, showPicker, hidePicker, disable, enable and destroy. As a developer you may already saw this plugin somewhere, the old color picker of Google Chrome ! Grapick is a easy configurable gradient picker, with no dependencies. HOW TO. The color picker is a component that you may require for the front-end interface for the end users. Very simple jQuery color picker. An icon is displayed ahead of the textbox. A simple color picker plugin in pure JavaScript, for modern browsers. The color picker is a block-level element and is 195x195 pixels large. Colorjoe was somewhat inspired by ColorJack and RightJS Colorpicker. This is done by using the horizontal option in the