hotelplanner cancellation policy

Each party agrees that: (i) all Confidential Information shall remain the exclusive property of the owner; (ii) it shall maintain, and shall cause its employees and agents and subcontractors to maintain, the confidentiality and secrecy of the other party's Confidential Information; (iii) it shall take all reasonable action necessary to ensure that its employees and agents do not copy, publish, manipulate, disclose to others or otherwise use the Confidential Information of the other party; and (iv) it shall return or destroy all copies of the other parties Confidential Information upon request of the other party, and indemnify and hold harmless the owner from and against all damages and expenses (including attorney fees and costs) arising from a breach of this provision. The rebate will only be honored for actualized/consumed and documented rooms.

Since 2011, the meetings and events industry has seen a strong and steady run, which mirrors the economy as a whole. If you have a question about a charge on your credit card statement, we encourage you to call Lexyl prior to disputing a charge with your credit card company to discuss any questions or concerns about our charges with us. Should I put comments in the additional request field when I post my reservations? Hotel and/or Travel Service agrees to hold harmless and indemnify it for all demands, claims, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from any dispute arising out of the use of any electronic agreement entered into using the online services of For individual reservations, instructions are provided following the secure reservation page. Some states do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you. Offers made by hotels to you and any bookings you make with them will be subject to the terms and conditions specified by the hotel, including but not limited to: (a) the time frames for which the offers are valid; (b) payment terms; (c) cancellation terms; and (d) incidental charges terms. Hotels have the option of enrolling in our preferred membership program for a fee. In the event a dispute arises between you and, and agrees to the dispute, excluding requests for injunctive or equitable relief, via mediation or arbitration, may elect to resolve the dispute through binding arbitration conducted by telephone, on-line and/or based solely upon written submissions where no in-person appearance is required.

Yes, but the rate may change and rooms most likely will not be available past the expiration date. If it does work out, though, the original meeting group could negotiate with the hotel to pay reduced liquidated damages. The company views the protection of users' privacy as a very important community principle. But specifying the damages in writing makes such a situation easier to settle amicably. The Company cannot ensure that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction.

The Company does not control the information provided by other users that is made available through our system. If hotel fails to track actualized rooms due to incomplete records, lost or stolen records, or technical failure, then the hotel must pay 10% referral fee on all requested rooms as found in the online client request for proposal.