finland gdp per capita 2018

Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $), Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%), GDP: Consumption Expenditure: Private: Household (EUR mn), GDP: Gross Capital Formation (GCF) (EUR mn), GDP: GCF: Changes in Inventories (EUR mn), GDP: Consumption Expenditure: Government (EUR mn), GDP: sa: Consumption Expenditure (EUR mn), GDP: sa: Consumption Expenditure: Government (EUR mn), GDP: sa: Consumption Expenditure: Private: Household (EUR mn), Gross Domestic Product (GDP): sa (EUR mn), GDP: sa: Gross Capital Formation (GCF) (EUR mn), Gross Domestic Product (GDP): CL 2010p (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Consumption Expenditure: Government (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Consumption Expenditure: Private: Household (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Gross Capital Formation (GCF) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Consumption Expenditure (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: Consumption Expenditure (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: Consumption Expenditure: Government (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: Consumption Expenditure: Private: Household (EUR mn), Gross Domestic Product (GDP): CL 2010p: sa (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GCF: ow Fixed (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: MI: ow Electricity & Water Supply, Waste Management (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Trade, Transportation & Storage, Accommodation & Food Services (TS) (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Information & Communication (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Professional, Scientific, Technical, Administration & Support Service ... (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Public Administration, Defence, Education, Human Health & Social Work ... (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (AF) (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Manufacturing, Mining & Quarrying & Other Industry (MI) (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Manufacturing, Mining & Quarrying & Other Industry (MI) (EUR mn), GDP: sa: Gross Value Added (GVA) (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: MI: ow Electricity & Water Supply, Waste Management (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Trade, Transportation & Storage, Accommodation & Food Services (TS... (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Information & Communication (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Professional, Scientific, Technical, Administration & Support Serv... (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Public Administration, Defence, Education, Human Health & Social W... (EUR mn), GDP: sa: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (AF) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Trade, Transportation & Storage, Accommodation & Food Servic... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Information & Communication (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: MI: ow Electricity & Water Supply, Waste Management (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Construction (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Gross Value Added (GVA) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Professional, Scientific, Technical, Administration & Suppor... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Public Administration, Defence, Education, Human Health & So... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Other Services (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: Taxes Less Subsidies (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (AF) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: GVA: Manufacturing, Mining & Quarrying & Other Industry (MI) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Other Services (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Construction (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: MI: ow Electricity & Water Supply, Waste Management (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Trade, Transportation & Storage, Accommodation & Food Se... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Information & Communication (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: Gross Value Added (GVA) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Professional, Scientific, Technical, Administration & Su... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Public Administration, Defence, Education, Human Health ... (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: Taxes Less Subsidies (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (AF) (EUR mn), GDP: CL 2010p: sa: GVA: Manufacturing, Mining & Quarrying & Other Industry (MI) (EUR mn), GDP Deflator: Chain Linked 2010p: sa (2010=100), Financial Liabilities: Stock: NC: Loans (EUR mn), Financial Liabilities: Stock: GG: Loans (EUR mn), Financial Liabilities: Stock: Households (HO) (EUR mn), Financial Liabilities: Stock: HO: Loans (EUR mn), Financial Liabilities: Stock: NPISHs: Loans (EUR mn), Nominal Residential Property Price Index (2010=100), Nominal Residential Property Price Index Growth (%), Real Residential Property Price Index (2010=100), Real Residential Property Price Index Growth (%), Buildings Started: Volume: Residential (Cub m), Buildings Completed: Volume: Residential (Cub m), Building Permits Granted: Volume: Residential (Cub m), Building Permits Granted: Volume: Non Residential (Cub m), Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Government Expenditure (EUR bn), General Government (GG): Revenue (EUR mn), Vital Statistics: Life Expectancy at Birth (Year), Labour Force: Male: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), Labour Force: Female: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), Employment: Male: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), Employment: Female: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), Unemployment Rate: sa: 15 to 74 Years (%), Unemployment: Male: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), Unemployment: Female: 15 to 74 Years (Person th), No of Vacancy Available: At the End of Month (Unit), Avg Monthly Earnings: Central Government (EUR), Avg Monthly Earnings: Private Sector and Others (EUR), Avg Monthly Earnings: Local Government (EUR), Hours Worked: Manufacturing (Mfg) (Hour th), Motor Vehicle Sales: Commercial Cars (Unit), Motor Vehicle Sales: Passenger Cars (Unit), Consumer Confidence: Net Balance (% Point), Average Household Income per Household (EUR), CPI: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverage Change (%), Forecast: Consumer Price Index Growth (%), Harmonized Index of Consumer Price: 2015=100 (2015=100), Consumer Price Index: YoY: Extended History (%), CPI: Food & Non Alcoholic Beverages (FB) (2015=100), CPI: Miscellaneous Goods & Services (MG) (2015=100), CPI: Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco & Narcotics (AT) (2015=100), PPI: Mining and Quarrying (MQ) (2010=100), PPI: Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply (2010=100), Domestic Supply Price Index (DSPI): incl Taxes (2010=100), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Exports: SITC: Chemicals and Related Products (CP) (EUR), Exports: SITC: Basic Manufactures (BM) (EUR), Exports: SITC: BM: Paper, Paperboard and Articles Thereof (EUR), Exports: SITC: Machinery, Transport Equipment (MT) (EUR), Exports: SITC: MT: Telecommunication, Sound Recording Equipment (EUR), Exports: North America: United States of America (EUR), Imports: SITC: Food and Live Animals (FA) (EUR), Imports: SITC: MF: Petroleum and Products (EUR), Imports: SITC: Chemicals and Related Products (CP) (EUR), Imports: SITC: Machinery, Transport Equipment (MT) (EUR), Imports Volume Index: CPA2008: Crude Petroleum (2010=100), Exports Volume Index: CPA2008: Machinery & Equipment (2010=100), Exports Volume Index: Products by Activity (CPA2008) (2010=100), Exports Volume Index: CPA2008: Electrical Equipment (2010=100), Imports Volume Index: Products by Activity (CPA2008) (2010=100), Imports Volume Index: CPA2008: Food Products (2010=100), Imports Volume Index: CPA2008: Chemicals & Chemical Products (2010=100), Imports Volume Index: CPA2008: Basic Iron, Steel & Ferro-alloys (2010=100), Imports Volume Index: CPA2008: Machinery & Equipment (2010=100), Exports Volume Index: CPA2008: Pulp, Paper & Paperboard (2010=100), Exports Volume Index: CPA2008: Chemicals & Chemical Products (2010=100), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Net International Investment Position (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Debit: Services (EUR mn), BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment (EUR mn), Balance of Payments (BoP): Current Account (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Debit: Secondary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Financial Account: Reserve Assets (EUR mn), BoP: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Credit: Secondary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Credit: Services (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Credit: Goods (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Debit: Primary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Credit: Primary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Debit: Goods (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Primary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Current Account: Secondary Income (EUR mn), BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment (EUR mn), BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment (EUR mn), BoP: Assets: Direct Investment, Outward (DO) (EUR mn), BoP: Assets: Financial Derivatives (EUR mn), BoP: Liabilities: Direct Investment, Inward (DI) (EUR mn), BoP: Liabilities: Portfolio Investment (PI) (EUR mn), BoP: Liabilities: Other Investment (EUR mn), BoP: Liabilities: Financial Derivatives (EUR mn), BoP: Assets: Portfolio Investment (PI) (EUR mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Manufacturing (Mfg) (EUR mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Stock: Services (EUR mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Stock (EUR mn), Direct Investment Abroad: Stock: Manufacturing (Mfg) (EUR mn), Direct Investment Abroad: Stock: Services (EUR mn), Number of Bankruptcies: Enterprises (Unit), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), Debt Service Ratio: Private Non-Financial Sector (%), Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector (USD bn), Monetary Aggregates: M3: M2: M1: Overnight Deposits (EUR mn), Official Reserve Assets: Foreign Currency Reserve (EUR mn), Official Reserve Assets: Gold: incl Gold Deposits and Gold Swapped (EUR mn), MFIs Deposits: Euro Area: in EUR: NF: Households (EUR mn), MFIs Loans: Euro Area: in EUR: NF: Households incl NPISH (EUR mn), FI: TARGET 2 Balance: Outstanding (EUR mn), MFIs: Aggregated (Agg): incl BOF: Assets (EUR mn), ECB Interest Rate: Deposit Facility (% pa), ECB Interest Rate: Marginal Lending Facility (% pa), Euro Index Average (EONIA): FBE: Overnight (% pa), Lending Rate: Stock: Households: Housing Loans (% pa), Lending Rate: Stock: Households: Consumer Credit & Others (% pa), Benchmark Govt Bond Yield: Month End: 10 Years (% pa), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: EU: ow Germany (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: Scandinavia: ow Sweden (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: ow Russia (Person), Visitor Arrivals: America: ow United States (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Asia: ow China (Person), Business Confidence: Net Balance (% Point), Stock Market Capitalization: HSE (EUR mn), Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (2004=100), Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Number of Motor Vehicles: New Registrations (Unit), Number of Motor Vehicles: New Registrations: Cars: Passenger (Unit), ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Chain Linked 2010 Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Current Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: Deflator: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: Gross National Income: Seasonally Adjusted, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Financial and Insurance Corporations: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Financial and Insurance Corporations: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: General Government: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: General Government: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Households: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Households: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Financial Corporations: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Financial Corporations: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Rest of the World: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Rest of the World: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Total Economy: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Total Economy: Stock, Gross Domestic Product: Annual Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: Purchasing Power Parity.

Corporate solution including all features. GDP per capita PPP in Finland averaged 41054.03 USD from 1990 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 48818.50 USD in … You can only download this statistic as a Premium user. This statistic shows the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the Nordic countries in 2018, by country (as index). Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Key figures and rankings about brands and companies, Consumer insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about regions and countries, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Figures and insights about the advertising and media world, Everything you need to know about the industry development, Find studies from all around the internet. facts. Data from World bank includes gdp and year estimated for.