facts about the modern era

The definition of social construct with examples. And how was it possible for the Earth itself to revolve on its axis once in 24 hours without hurling all objects, including humans, off its surface? The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and used new modes of production—the factory, mass production, and mechanization—to manufacture a wide array of goods faster and using less labour than previously required. Some music historians consider the Modern Era to have ended in approximately 1930, followed by the advent of a “Post-Modern" era. Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. The Portuguese held this important trading territory (and the valuable associated navigational strait) until overthrown by the Dutch in 1641. They worked together to bring the old cosmos into disrepute and, ultimately, to replace it with a new one. The Sukhothai (1238 CE) and Ayutthaya (1351 CE) kingdoms were major powers of the Thai people, who were influenced by the Khmer.
There were, however, in some regions, periods of rapid technological progress. 1850-1900) and Maurice Ravel (who led impressionism during the late modern period, ca. In recent years, however, scholars such as Kenneth Pomeranz have challenged this view.

The Swahili Coast declined after coming under the Portuguese Empire and later the Omani Empire. If the Earth revolved around the Sun, then the apparent positions of the fixed stars should shift as the Earth moves in its orbit. The gradual break-up of the Roman Empire, spanning several centuries after the 2nd century CE, coincided with the spread of Christianity outward from the Middle East. Napoleon Bonaparte won France's claims back from Spain in the Napoleonic Wars in 1800, but sold them to the United States in 1803 as the Louisiana Purchase. Cradle of civilization. [81] Such periods were followed by periods of technological decay, as during the Roman Empire's decline and fall and the ensuing early medieval period. In Africa, this period saw a decline in many civilizations and an advancement in others. The modern period has been a time of many advances in science, politics, warfare, and technology, and globalization. Busby, Joshua, "Warming World: Why Climate Change Matters More Than Anything Else". Some areas experienced slow but steady technological advances, with important developments such as the stirrup and moldboard plough arriving every few centuries. Well-trained professional armies, unifying ideologies, and advanced bureaucracies created the possibility for emperors to rule over large domains whose populations could attain numbers upwards of tens of millions of subjects. [78] In Mesoamerica, vast pre-Columbian societies were built, the most notable being the Zapotec Empire (700 BCE – 1521 CE),[79] and the Maya civilization, which reached its highest state of development during the Mesoamerican Classic period (c. 250–900 CE),[80] but continued throughout the Post-Classic period until the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century CE. Chaplin told Gandhi, "I grant that machinery with only the consideration of profit has thrown men out of work and created a great deal of misery, but to use it as a service to humanity ... should be a help and benefit to mankind." The Ajuran Sultanate, in the Horn of Africa, began to decline in the 17th century, succeeded by the Geledi Sultanate. This transformation was catalyzed by wars of unparalleled scope and devastation. By the 13th century, the arrival of the Mongols saw the region invaded and subjugated once again. Modern medicine, or medicine as we know it, started to emerge after the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. There were a number of regional empires during this period. During this time that the European powers began a political, economic, and cultural beginning to the world.