echar un vistazo

Perhaps you have something practical in mind, such as having a gander at a gadget on your desktop. You can complete the translation of echar un vistazo given by the Spanish-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Maria Moliner, Espasa Calpe, Grijalbo, Larousse, Wordreference, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... Spanish-English dictionary : translate Spanish words into English with online dictionaries. Sinónimos de "echar un vistazo" en español, incluidas definiciones y palabras relacionadas. Members of this House need only stir themselves to look at the population statistics. We only have to look at today's debate to know what I mean. They need to have a look at surveillance. Para las expresiones echar abajo, echar en cara, echar la culpa, echar en falta, echar de menos, echar a perder, echar raíces, echar a suertes, ver la otra entrada. Basta con echar un vistazo a la lista de las acciones anejas a la última comunicación de la Comisión sobre el pacto para darse cuenta de la realidad. Let me step back from the events of last week and look back over the last two years. echar a {+ INFIN}, echador, echarpe, echarse. Antes de considerar estas cuestiones, hay que echar un vistazo al concepto de un enfoque de derechos …

They challenge us, they prompt us to look critically at how we operate and how we manage things.

back(wards), move back(wards), she broke into a run, she started running, Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary, Spanish Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All Spanish-English translations from our dictionary, Pueden reírse si quieren, pero voy a ir a, You can laugh if you want to, but I'm going out and. You need to check out that stretch of Liberty Street.

Just take a look at the figures, Commissioner.

Para las expresiones echar abajo, echar en cara, echar la culpa, echar en falta, echar de menos, echar a perder, echar raíces, echar a suertes, ver la otra entrada. you can reckon on it taking you an hour if you walk, he went out onto the balcony for a smoke o cigarette, de jóvenes nos echábamos nuestros buenos ratos de charla, we used to spend a lot of time talking when we were younger, esta semana he echado cuatro horas extras, there was a programme about Einstein on, they showed a programme about Einstein, ha echado a su perra con un pastor alemán, he has mated his bitch with a German shepherd, ahora tienes que echar para adelante y olvidarte del pasado, you need to get on with your life and forget about the past, I lay down o stretched out on the sofa and fell asleep, me tuve que echar a la derecha para que adelantara, I had to pull over to the right to let him overtake, to throw o.s. We only need to look at the capital Skopje to see how impossible this is. you've become o got really bad-tempered recently!