cons of coal

List of Cons of Coal Mining 1. For example, it is well known that the Romans used it but also ancient Chinese civilizations.

Breathing in coal dust or ash is also known to be a cause for lung cancer development over time.

Coal mining operations have been proven out to be very damaging to the local environment and ecosystems, and strip mining scars will be seen on this planet for decades and decades to come 2. List of Cons of Coal Energy 1.
The amount of radiation produced by a coal power plant is 100 times that produced by the nuclear power plant. Pros of Coal Cons of Coal; Cheap energy source: Not green: Reliable energy: Not sustainable nor renewable: Abundance of coal: Global warming: Mature technology: Air pollution: Can be converted into cleaner components: Acid rain: Easy to access: Ozone depletion: Independent from weather conditions: Dependence on other countries: Simple storage of coal Historians and archaeologists have found plenty of evidence to suggest that coal has been used as an energy source since the time of ancient civilizations. In fact, injuries, time lost, and fatalities have decreased significantly in the past years. The amount of carbon that comes from burning coal is at least 2x greater than any other electrical generation source. Part of that destruction includes the potential pollution of groundwater tables and the removal of the trees.

Part of that destruction involves the potential pollution of groundwater tables and the removal of trees. The mining of coal destroys natural habitats. Coal is one of the dirtiest fuels that we use today. Coal emissions are linked to health concerns. To remove coal from the ground, various mining processes are used that destroy the natural habitat in that region. People who are exposed to coal and its emissions have an increased risk of experiencing asthma and other air passageway inflammation conditions.
4. 1. A coal seam fire in New Castle, CO has been …

There is also the added danger of having a fire begin in a coal mine. The Cons of Coal Energy. Emission of Greenhouse Gases One of the leading concerns that involve coal energy is the emission of greenhouse gasses. 2. Non-renewable source: Although there is an abundant supply of coal across the world, at some point it will be depleted. Cons: 1. Generally, coal fired plants are considered safer than nuclear power plants. People with … The Cons of Coal Mining 1. A coal power plant’s failure is certainly not likely to cause catastrophic events such as a nuclear meltdown would. Additionally, the welfare and productivity of coal industry employees has greatly improved over the years. A coal mining disease called “Black Lung” can impact total lung capacity, is incurable, and is often fatal. Also, there is the added danger of … Creates a high level of radiation: The coal ash produced during the burning of coal creates a high level of radiation. In order to remove coal from the ground, different processes of mining is used that destroy the natural habitat in that particular region.