blm and chicago violence

To be clear: you want to round up anyone who attends a BLM rally and charge them with conspiracy to riot or something? The rate doesn’t matter. Instead of trying to scam us, why doesn’t the governor donate this huge sum to fixing the state’s budget shortfalls or filling in a pension hole. Sure, that’s what one would expect a ‘colorblind Ted Cruz libertarian’ to say, but votes for white-favoring “law and order” Republicans constitute vivid evidence to the contrary. Not only would this limit the amount of mob violence, but any violence which *does* occur will be denounced vigorously. The Conspirators love to throw out these unfounded accusations. Cute whattaboutism, but we’re talking about the police (and their unions). A tantrum. As CBN News reported, police believe the rioting began after officers wounded a 20-year-old armed man during a shootout Sunday afternoon in Englewood which led to a hostile stand-off between police and residents. Pascal Sabino / Block Club Chicago.

Yeah, that’s a fair put. This amounts to the same kind of protection racket the Brownshirts used in 1920s Germany, and it seems to me federal law enforcement ought to seize the proceeds rather than allow that tactic to be used by any side in a US election. "The mayor clearly has not learned anything since May, and she would be wise to understand that the people will keep rising up until the (Chicago Police Dept) is abolished and our Black communities are fully invested in," BLM said in a statement. Even the Washington Post agreed that this type of bullying “was a misstep that might undermine the protest movement’s intended message.”. Of course the wrongful death in the US of a violent black felon at the hands of the police who are actually being charged and prosecuted is actually more important than the usual atrocities committed in the other places. It appears to be an outward expression of desperation. I’m not saying that Twitter is a representative sample, but seeing as the media always treats it as such cruise on over there and see for yourself what the majority of people on the Left think of riots and looting. "I'm one of the guys that was on the frontline when it came down to standing up against police brutality and excessive force," said Hardiman, who told MacCallum that he would like to meet with the leaders of Black Lives Matter. (But otherwise, the point is right. Good thing K-money has plenty of juicy quotes that will make good sound bites with this looting playing a b-roll. It sucks to be Black in America. Anyhow, ‘Shut up about your cause, there’s a cause that’s more important over here’ is not a serious argument. Of course BLM is not synonymous with rioting, but this trend may show the extent to which the issues have been conflated in the public mind.

Duane and Myla Connolly of West Morgan Park push Chase Moton in a stroller as they march on Drexel Boulevard at the Kids Non-Violent Protest Against Racism in the Oakland neighborhood on Saturday, June 13, 2020. “I’m all for stopping crimes committed by the police”. Your claim about SimonP is that he doesn’t care about helping end poverty. Primary category in which blog post is published, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Lincoln Square, North Center, Irving Park, Learn more about Civil’s Credibility Indicators, don’t address gun violence in their communities. The number one way the US government could lift people out of poverty would be to cease the importation of unskilled labor completely, until everybody is making 60 grand a year. “Defund the police” has lost its luster as a political issue, if it ever really had any. But the street violence … Bulls alumni Bob Love and Mickey Johnson joined the tournament. Cole said he believes gun violence is a reflection of “racial injustice or economic injustice, poor neighborhoods, low-performing schools, high rates of incarceration and unemployment.”. "Over the past few months, too many people — disproportionately Black and Brown — have lost their jobs, lost their income, lost their homes, and lost their lives as the city has done nothing and the Chicago elite have profited," the group said in a statement. Yes, and that’s how you’d end up with a second civil war, which would go about as well for the racists as the first one.

Free your mind, and the rest will follow…. ", At the demonstration Monday evening, protesters held up a large banner that read, "Our futures have been looted from us ... loot back.". “It’s about god damn time we do something about it.”, “What’s this ‘we’ crap?” — white, elite, conservative law professors, “We need to do something, this is something, therefor we need to do it!”. Why would somebody in Europe give a damn about Floyd? That’s one of the reasons reform is difficult. You got to show up. Worse than that – it’s given them an entitlement mentality. But Pritzker knows that more people leaving our state will mean less tax revenue. In fact I assume he is unaware of the fact stated in my first sentence, and probably cognitive dissonance prevents him from recognizing it.