batman telltale romance options

Kinda like how John is, except Vicki has already fought Bruce. If they give us Avesta I just hope she isn't Talia because she would have the same problem as Selina, same boring thing. John mocking Gordon on the rooftop with shadow puppets is a personal highlight of mine.

The conversations in her office still make me scratch my head though. She is beyond redemption.

But only because of that grinch picture! Lady Arkham is bat shit crazy. Don'… moret get me wrong, it's not to say that I'm disappointed with Season 2, but with the team they have in place I do wish they'd take more chances. Sort of ended up like this really: t. There is no universe where a sane Bruce Wayne could develop feelings for such a monstrosity. I would certainly bet on Vicki returning, but not in season 2. This scenario is based on if you revealed your identity to her or not: There's no … moreway for Bruce to even think about her in a romantic way, regardless of whether or not she was rehabilitated. They are called Quantic Dream.

After saying that she switches on the full crazy Harley persona though.

I was all-in on the Vicki train in Season 1, but then Telltale threw that curveball and it smashed my hopes to pieces. Despite your choices, this game is still very linear with certain relationships and choices riding on the edge of that line, but it never truly trails off in it's own direction. Now imagine that being said with batman's voice from the dark knight. There is no universe where a sane Bruce Wayne could develop feelings for such a monstrosity. Kinda like how John is, except Vicki has already fought Bruce. Episode 2: Tonnes Of Interaction relationship wanting to be their focus. She seemed ominously gentle and SHE initiated conversation about her father. Kinda like how John is, except Vicki has already fought Bruce.


Now imagine that being said with batman's voice from the dark knight.

Thank you! There is no universe where a sane Bruce Wayne could develop feelings for such a monstrosity.

The fans are also behind them if they want to go a little wild. But I will make do with hot flirting.

Selina's the safe choice from a writing standpoint, and they tread absolutely no new ground in that romance. This would be a whole new level of nonsense.

I think I knew you were a Barley fan. I do agree with Journey95 that not expanding on Harley Quinn is a missed opportunity. Sigh. Bi*** is goin' down if ever I see her. I’ve survived some huge chicks in my past... And death doesn’t have the same rules in comic books and video games that they do in real life.

Like Episode 5 if you go with the pact Harley is giving you winks, smiles and compliments as you go but it's like something is missing to justify that, since barely anything happened to progress their "friendship" since episode 2.

He suffers from multiple PSTD triggers in his daily life without the presence of the person that tortured him.

Next to John, Harley was the biggest focus in the Pact.

But alas, that would have been a huge deviation from the path. I would have liked to have pulled the big Bruce card there, letting him try to buy the company and work on a cure that way. Sigh. As I recall, Vicki's whereabouts are currently unknown. It won't make much narrative sense for Harley to be a serious romance option in Telltale Season 3 for many reasons which would take too long a post to elaborate on. I know it's been said in the Avesta thread that some players find her boring, but for me that's Catwoman. She hates Bruce and now she hates Batman.

They'd still have to serve time for their crimes, but then maybe the citizens could rest easy knowing that those same people would not escape and commit atrocities again. So why not. Still wrong, duh. I do agree with Journey95 that not expanding on Harley Quinn is a missed opportunity. Even if I could forgive that, I couldn't do that to Alfred. I think Sanctus has a Lazarus pit which might bring her back hopefully in Season 3 but her memories are erased so Bruce can romance Vicki as she was my first choice to be with Bruce. And your version of Vicki is creepy. I still think this is a joke, yes.