anthony comstock quotes

This would leave large unguarded fields were it not for the state laws. The "Comstock Law" is still in effect in federal laws to prohibit obscenity; the laws are vigorously enforced regarding child pornography on the Internet and in print. During the Civil War he enlisted and served without incident; he was concerned about moral fitness while in the service. Let men and women live a life above the level of the beasts. There is no foe so much to be dreaded as that which perverts the imagination, sears the conscience, hardens the heart, and damns the soul. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I see nothing in either of your articles along these lines. Among these were a small number of persons of intelligence and moral fiber concerned for free speech or the right to disseminate knowledge respecting birth control. I was somewhat confused at first that Mr. Comstock should class contraceptives with pornographic objects which debauch children's fancies, for I knew that the European scientists who advocate their use have no desire at all to debauch children. This criticism of the laws interfering with doctors is so continually made that I asked again: "Do the laws ever thwart the doctor�s work; in cases, for instance, where pregnancy would endanger a woman�s life?". There are no discussion topics on this book yet. "Be not deceived, God is not mocked. I saw young men being debauched by this pernicious influence. Several times men whom he has arrested, have later tried to kill him. In these words lies the motive of Mr. Comstock's work�the protection of children under twenty-one. From this time on Mr. Comstock devoted his attention to this work, although it was, as he once said, like standing at the mouth of a sewer. Comstock was born in Connecticut, and fought for the Union in the Civil War. In one year alone, 14,200 lb of pornographic photographic plates, 134,000 lb of pornographic books, 200,000 photographs and images, 31,500 boxes of pills and potions, and 60,300 obscene articles were destroyed. Or must they sink to the level of the beasts?
"The 19th-Century Troll Who Hated Dirty Postcards and Sex Toys." As an agent of the government and secretary of his society, Comstock was fearless and resourceful. patently useful work in tracking down, raiding, and prosecuting a wide variety of frauds who advertised false services, including abortions. Existing laws are an imperative necessity in order to prevent the downfall of youths of both sex," wrote Mr. Anthony Comstock, secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, replying to my request for an interview on the subject of Birth Control. When I asked Mr. Comstock about this, he replied�with scant patience of "theorizers" who do not know human nature: "If you open the door to anything, the filth will all pour in and the degradation of youth will follow.". Comstock disliked gambling and chance taking and was instrumental in ending the Louisiana lottery, the only legal lottery in the country at the time. Self control and obedience to Nature�s laws, you seem to overlook. Over the next forty-two years, he was responsible for the jailing of 3,600 pornographers, while a huge quantity of pornographic material, indecent articles, contraceptives and abortifacients were seized and destroyed. Anthony Comstock. The federal law, which we have quoted, covers only matter sent by post. The Society for the Suppression of Vice was formed to support Mr. Comstock, from the beginning he has been its driving force, and it is giving him only the credit that is due him to say that the tremendous accomplishments of the society in its fight against various publications in the past forty years have been in reality the accomplishments of Mr. Comstock. Comstock was an influence on J. Edgar Hoover, who as a young law student researched Comstock's methods of work. Bemused as well as offended by Comstock’s narrow-mindedness, Shaw coined the term comstockery to refer to prudish censorship activities.

Born in New Canaan, Connecticut, Comstock was raised in a strict religious family.

The "Comstock Law" is still in effect in federal laws to prohibit obscenity; the laws are vigorously enforced regarding child pornography on the Internet and in print. Using his position as a postal agent, Comstock then set out to ensure that the law was enforced.